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Educational opportunities > Integration courses and exams

Institut für Berufliche Bildung AG-Greifswald

Course name: Integration course

Target group and description: Preparation for external language certificates such as TFI™, TFI Naturalisation™, WiDaF Basic® Test, WiDaF®, MOTET etc. (also for WeGebAU) for participants with knowledge of German at levels A1 to C2 suitable

Registration: personal registration required

free capacity: places still available

Costs: € 0,00 (with education voucher)

Spiegelsdorfer Wende 1
17491 Greifswald
+49 3834 8835518

Planned period: 4 weekly entry Time: Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 16:00 h (2 weeks full time (90 rpm))
