Life in Germany > Love, Sexuality, Marriage

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What special rules exist in Germany about love and sexuality?
What does this mean for my behavior?
Germany is a very sexually enlightened country. Even children are taught about sexuality, pregnancy and sexual transmitted illnesses in school. The sexual preferences of people are accepted, as long as nobody is injured or feels harassed. Practicing sex is based on the agreement of all parties. Women can also determine whether and with whom they have sex or by whom they want to be touched or not. This law applies to German women as well as foreign women. It is necessary to respect the right of sexual self-determination. Even revealing clothing is not an invitation to be touched by anyone. Public sex, sex with minors and any sexual abuse or harassment is punishable in Germany. Grasp a call or alert the police if you witness a sexual handle.
A marriage is permitted in Germany for people older than 18. As from 16 only in the presence of special grounds and with parental permission. In Germany you are only allowed to be married to one person. If you want to marry someone else, you must be single or divorced before re-marriage. Both the marriage and the divorce will be officially carried out by the so-called registry offices. Only then the marriage is deemed accepted. If you are already married in your home country with a person you are not allowed to marry another person in Germany.
Same-sex relationships are recognized in Germany and registered partnerships enjoy similar rights as marriage. Therefore, it is forbidden and punishable to insult homosexuals or even physically attack them - no matter how you think about it personally. If you have to suffer attacks because of your sexuality or your chosen sex, ask your advisors or the police for help.
Sex does not have to take place only in the context of marriage or procreation. Still unprotected sex between strangers is dangerous because in addition to the risk of pregnancy diseases can be transmitted. A condom should be used to protect both partners. You can buy condoms in supermarkets, drug stores or in vending machines in toilets. To protect yourself and your sexual partners during sex, is everyone’s responsibility. To avoid becoming pregnant there are also hormonal contraceptives available for women, such as birth control pills. You need a prescription in order to get those which you can get after an appointment and a consultation with a gynecologist. Sexually transmitted diseases may need to be treated by a physician.
For people over the age of 18 years the consumption of pornographic materials in the form of images and videos is allowed. These are available in specialized shops, but separate areas or corresponding website with age limit. The dissemination of pornographic material to minors is prohibited. To create pornographic material involving minors, to possess or distribute such material is a serious crime.
For the satisfaction of sexual desires, there is the possibility to seek an appropriate establishment. Here people have sex on the basis of a joint decision, as a kind of business. To use condoms in this case is strongly advised. Prostituting yourself is allowed in Germany, if it is a free decision and you are over 18 years old. However, it is strictly prohibited to force someone into prostitution, regardless of their gender or age. When an offense against this rule is discovered severe punishment are in order for those who committed them. In the case of an ongoing application for asylum, the discovery of such an offense is an almost certain reason for a decline.