Life in Germany > Taxes and Charges

In Germany, different taxes are levied on many products, services and the like. They are usually included in prices already or will be reduced from pay offs automatically (e.g. from salary). The tax is applied to all traded products in Germany and services (colloquially MwSt). It amounts to 19%, but some services and products are only 7%. Some products, such as cigarettes, alcohol and petrol have an additional tax is in Germany. Because of that they are quite expensive. Anyone who works in Germany has to pay an income tax which is between about 20% and 48% of salary. That is, for example, depending on whether one is married or has children. Also deducted from salaries are costs for health insurance, pension insurance, unemployment insurance, long term care insurance, a solidarity surcharge and church tax. All Germans pay the solidarity surcharge. The proceeds are used for the cost of German reunification. The church tax you have to pay only if you belong to a Christian denomination. The money will be used for example to rebuild churches. The health, unemployment and long-term care are not real taxes for the state but are used for the people. They are compulsory insurance in case of illness, retirement or exident and to help you in the event of unemployment. If you have worked in Germany for more than 12 months, you are entitled to a special unemployment assistance, which also includes the continuation of payment of said insurance (see section Working in Germany). In the German social system everyone pays together to help each other. The money in the compulsory insurance is therefore used for all and not just for the person who has paid.
I need a bill.
Ich benötige eine Quittung.
I can give you a bill.
Ich kann Ihnen eine Quittung ausstellen.
I can't give you a bill.
Ich kann Ihnen keine Quittung ausstellen.
Are their taxes on this product?
Ist dieses Produkt versteuert?
Do I have to pay taxes for this product?
Ist dieses Produkt zu versteuern?
Do I have to pay taxes for this service?
Muss ich für die Dienstleistung Steuern zahlen?
How can help me with questions regarding taxes?
Wer kann mir bei Fragen zu Steuern weiterhelfen?